
Dental Implants

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically implanted into the jawbone to provide a strong and stable foundation for a replacement tooth. The implant itself is typically a small titanium post that fuses with the jawbone over time to create a solid and permanent base for the new tooth.

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for individuals who have lost one or more teeth due to injury, decay, or other reasons. They offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options, including greater stability, improved chewing ability, and a longer lifespan. Additionally, because dental implants are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth, they can provide a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing result. Overall, dental implants are a safe and effective way to restore your smile and improve your oral health.

The Dental Implant Treatment Process

The first step is a comprehensive dental consultation and imaging to determine the best treatment plan. Once this has been identified and treatment begins, a local anaesthetic is used to numb the treatment area to ensure it is a comfortable experience. Then, the dental implant is placed surgically into the jawbone and a temorary restoration is used while a bespoke one is made. After that, the healing process called occurs, where the implant fuses with the bone and becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth.

Once the implant has fused, a connector called an abutment is attached to the implant, and a custom-made replacement tooth (crown) or bridge is attached to the abutment. Dental implant treatment is a long-term solution for tooth loss, and with proper care, can last a for many years. It offers a natural-looking, comfortable and durable alternative to dentures or bridges.

How Many Implants Do I Need?

The number of dental implants you need depends on various factors, such as the number and location of missing teeth, your jawbone density, and your overall oral health. Typically, one implant is required to replace a single missing tooth, and two or more implants may be used for a bridge or an implant-supported denture. Therefore, it’s not necessary to replace each missing tooth with an implant, usually a full arch can be replaced with 4 to 6 dental implants, commonly known as ‘All on Four’ treatment.

At your initial consultation with our Implantologist, they will assess your unique situation and recommend the appropriate number of implants needed to restore your smile and function. It’s essential to follow their recommendations for the most successful outcome, as having too few implants can result in implant failure, and having too many can be costly and unnecessary. 

Bone Augmentation (Grafting)

Bone augmentation for dental implants is a surgical procedure that aims to build up or add bone to the jaw to support dental implants. This procedure is necessary in cases where patients lack enough bone density or volume in their jaw, which could prevent the successful placement of dental implants.

The procedure involves taking small pieces of bone, usually from the patient’s own body or from a donor, and placing them in the jawbone where the implant will be placed. The bone is then secured in place with special screws or plates to allow it to heal and integrate with the surrounding tissues. Once the bone has healed and fused with the jawbone, the patient can then undergo the dental implant procedure. Bone augmentation can be achieved through various techniques, including bone grafting, sinus lift and guided bone regeneration. Overall, bone augmentation can be a crucial step for dental implant treatments to ensure the long-term success of the implant.

What To Do Next

In order for us to provide you with a bespoke treatment plan, it’s important you visit us for a consultation so we can fully assess your situation. This will also provide us with the opportunity to highlight the treatment options to suit your budget and discuss finance options that are available.

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